Les Crocker

Fire Station #1 215 Commerce St, Central Business District Photo taken 3-31-14 at 10:40 am by Les Crocker Built in 1907. Served the central business district until 1980. Now houses the “150 Years of Fort Worth” exhibit.

Fire Station #2 1000 Cherry St. Central Business District. Photo taken 3-31-14 at 10:44 am. by Les Crocker Built in 1930. This building still has the pole that the firemen would slide down. I was told many years ago when I toured the Station that the firemen no longer slide down the pole, too many ankle accidents. “Update”: After I published this, I had some firemen say that the poles are still being used???

Fire Station # 20. 4147 Meadowbrook Dr. East Fort Worth. Photo taken 3-31-14 at 11:00 am by Les Crocker. Built in 1928. It is a bungalow style building designed to blend in with the neighborhood. Now used as an Art center.

Fire Station # 14 3401 Ave I, Polytechnic. Photo taken 3-31-14 at 11:53 by Les Crocker Built in 1938 to replace the smaller outdated Fire Station at 1413 Vaughn.

Fire Station # 14 1413 Vaughn St. Polytechnic. Photo taken 3-31-14 at 11:56 by Les Crocker Note: This was the first Polytechnic # 14 Station , later moved to Ave I Built in 1913. When this building was built, it serviced the City Of Polytechnic. The Fire Dept. and City Hall shared the building in 1921. After Polytechnic was annexed by The City of Fort Worth this station became a part of Fort Worth’s System. In the 50’s it was a bakery called Partlow’s. Partlow’s occupied the building for about 20 years.

Fire Station # 17 3644 Ryan Ave, Southside District. Photo taken 3-31-14 at 12.24 by Les Crocker. Built in 1923. This was one of about ten bungalow style Fire Stations constructed in Fort worth in 1923,1924. Now used as an electrical co. Interesting note: The cornerstone has been removed and is now in the Masonic Grand Lodge in Waco.

.Fire Station #16 1616 Park Place Ave Southside District. Photo taken 3-31-14 at 1:30 pm by Les Crocker. Built in 1922.

Fire Station #6 431 Fulton. Southside District, Photo taken 3-31-14 at 1:42pm by Les Crocker Built in 1923.

Fire Station # 5 503 Bryan Ave Southside District. Photo taken 3-31-14 at 1:45 pm. by Les Crocker Built in 1911. There is a Brewery in progress of being installed in this building.

Fire Station # 10 2804 Lipscomb St. Southside District. Photo taken 3-31-14 at 1:59 pm by Les Crocker Built in 1910 at a cost of $10,662. Almost identical to the Station #5 on Bryan St. It served as Fort Worth’s Tenth Ward Fire Station.

Fire Station # 18 at 1908 Carleton St and Camp Bowie. Photo taken 4-10-2014 by Les Crocker. This Fire hall was built in 1923 and is the oldest Fire hall in Fort Worth still in use. It is 91 years old.

Fire Station # 12 Located at 2410 Prospect Ave. North Side Fort Worth. Built in 1910 to house horse drawn equipment. Photo taken by Les Crocker. 4-23-14 at 1:13PM.

Fire Station # 15, located at 1905 Belmont Ave North Side Fort Worth. Built in 1932 designed to blend in with the neighborhood. Photo taken by Les Crocker 4-23-14 at 1:25 PM.
The following three Photos were the results of a suggestion by Kent Worley. Photos taken by Les Crocker 3/18/15.
Hey Les, To add to your “Fort Worth Firehall” collection, go to Schwartz Ave @ NE 29th
Street. The building on the SW corner at one time was Station #25. I worked
there back in the late ’70’s. It literally was a small house that had the garage
converted to fit a fire truck. The inside living area had a small front room,
standard size (for the homes in the area) kitchen and bathroom, and one big
bedroom that served as our dorm room. The station was shut down in the ’80’s
when the NEW #25 was built on N Main on the south end of Meacham Field.
A couple more former stations: Old #23, which I also worked at, is located at 3300 Cherry Lane. It is just north of the Camp Bowie West intersection is now houses “Northwest Engravers.” The station was replaced by one on Portales Drive (next parallel street west of Las Vegas Trail). My strongest memory of that station is that in the summer the dormitory could have been leased out for a meat locker. I usually slept under two blankets…..in JULY.
Kent Worley FWFD Retired Lt/PIO
These Technical High School Postcards belong to Bennie Burt, a 1958 Tech Graduate. His brother Bill Burt showed them to me recently and I asked permission to publish them on my web site. Thanks Bennie and Bill.

Automotive Department
The Automotive Shop has 16,000 square feet and two divisions: Auto Mechanics and Body Repairing. Students in the Body Division receive training in welding, body and fender repairing, painting and upholstering. Student Mechanics have use of the latest equipment in learning to repair motors, transmissions, differentials, clutches, etc. They also learn to do electrical tune-ups, steering alignment, lubrication and many other things necessary to the proper maintenance of automobiles.

Electrical Department
Trade preparation and engineering fundamentals are joint objectives in the Electrical Shop. Theory and practice in a ratio of approximately 1 to 2 are the usual daily routine. Students receive basic training in wiring, maintenance and repair of many types of electrical equipment, motor re-winding analysis and design. Training covers three hours of each school day for three years.

Diesel Engine Department
The Diesel Shop equipment includes a dynamometer, valve reseating and re-facer motor analyzer, distributor tester, fuel pump test stand, steam cleaner, etc. The shop has fourteen Diesel engines. The course also covers the gas engine which broadens employment opportunities. Graduates enter into fields of transportation, petroleum, stationary engines, shipping and marine services, field service engineering and other related fields.

The Welding Department
The Welding Shop offers both Arc and Acetylene welding. It includes 40 work stations for oxy-acetylene and 20 booths for electric welding. Welding is offered as a three year course which qualifies a student for employment as an all-round welder on all metals that can be welded. Students from other shops where welding is done are permitted and encouraged to take one or two semesters of welding.

Diesel Laboratory
The Diesel Laboratory is a part of the Diesel Shop. The test equipment includes a fuel pump stand, nozzle tester, lapping block, pressure gauge tester, other special equipment and tools. Improved methods and techniques are taught in calibration and operation of fuel pumps and nozzles of the modern diesel engines.

Commercial Art Department
If you have artistic talent and love to draw, three hours a day in the Commercial Art Laboratory, under a competent instructor, will develop your art ability into a saleable skill. Students are given training and practical problems in fashion drawing, lettering, cartoon, design, air brush, advertising layout, water color, production illustration and composition. Many of the commercial artists employed in Fort Worth Studios receive their training here.

Refrigeration Department
Equipment in the Refrigeration Department includes nearly all the popular brands of household refrigerators as well as commercial refrigeration equipment with different types of compressors. Household and Commercial Air Conditioning is part of the instruction. An air conditioned class room adjoins the shop where related theory is taught. Graduation in Refrigeration offers many opportunities at good pay in a fast growing industry.

Radio and Television Department
The Radio and Television Shop is designed primarily for servicing classes. It provides training in basic electronics. Using the most modern test equipment, each student learns by building, operating and testing radio and television components. Theory classes are included in the course, using training aids extensively to demonstrate difficult ideas. Constant revision keeps abreast of industrial changes.

Photography Department
Students in the Photography Department are at work in the new studio area, one of the sixteen rooms in the department, all having temperature control for both air and solutions. The best of photo equipment is offered the student throughout a three year course of study, covering the field from small cameras to motion pictures and sound recording.

Engineering Drafting
Engineering Drafting teaches fundamental principles, techniques, etc., prerequisite to successful entry into numerous phases of machines and mechanical trades; civil, mechanical, structural, architectural and other engineering professions as capable draftsmen. Blueprinting, machine and mechanical detailing, surface development, sheet and metal layout, structural and architectural drawing, map making and surveying are taught.

Business Education Department
The Office Machines room is one of the most completely equipped rooms of its kind in the Southwest, including such equipment as comptometers, calculators, bookkeeping, billing, adding, duplicating, addressograph and graphotype machines. This course is offered to Business Education seniors two periods each day for one year.

Cosmetology Department
The Cosmetology Department has the latest equipment with which to train students in practical work, such as hair styling, application of make-up, permanent waving, manicuring, hair-tinting and personal improvement. Related work consists of physiology, bacteriology, the chemistry of cosmetics and shop management. Upon completion of the course students are eligible to take the State Board of Cosmetology examination for a beautician’s license.

Distributive Education
The Distributive Education classroom provides a modern retailing atmosphere. Here, students study merchandising, salesmanship, advertising, display and business organization. In the afternoons, these students are employed in businesses where they receive regular wages and are under school and store coordinated supervision, preparing today for greater business career opportunities tomorrow.

The Machine Shop Department
The Machine Shop has all the standard machines usually found in general machine shops. These modern machines play an important part in teaching young men the basic fundamentals of machine shop work. Also, in conjunction with machine shop practice, welding, heat treating, related mathematics, science and blueprint reading are taught. This shop has an area of 6,000 square feet and seventy work stations.

Aeronautics Department
The Aeronautics Department is the only one in the Southwest which is approved and licensed by the Civil Aeronautics Authority, with License #3494. After completion of the three year course, students are eligible to take the CAA examinations for an Airframe, Powerplant, or Combination Airframe-Powerplant License. The Shop has a total of 12,000 square feet. The Airframe section is shown in the picture.

Mill and Cabinet Department
Mill and Cabinet Shop students receive experience in operating the circular saw, jointer, surfacer, band saw, jig saw, variety saw, shaper, dowel jig, mortise and tenon machine, belt sander, wood lathes and other motor driven equipment in the construction of all types of projects made of wood. Use of hand tools, blue print reading, estimating and other information vital to successful participation in wood working industries are part of the course.