Located at E. Rosedale St. and Halbert St. is the Handley Cemetery, 1852-1967. The Cemetery is just South of the original Depot on land once owned by the T&P Railroad.

The earliest marked grave dates from 1852 and the last burial was in 1967.

The Handley Cemetery was once known as the Presbyterian Cemetery and is the oldest Cemetery in the Handley area.

Quite a few Civil War burials here.

There are about 170 graves here.

Handley was named after Major J,M, Handley who fought for the South in the Civil War and was buried here in this Cemetery.

Major Handley was later moved and reburied at Rose Hill Cemetery just down East Lancaster a bit.

The Cemetery has quite a number of elaborately carved grave stones.

The Spanish American War.

Wonder what the story is about this one? This is my favorite one.

Wonder if the Grave Robbers found what they wanted?