The Vagabond Chronicles #2 –A various and sundries collection of sketches, stories and Photographs about Life as I see it during my wanderings and explorations in this thing we call life. Unusual circumstances and sometimes down right weird, It’s all contained within these 52 pages.
Les Crocker
The Photo Archive of the Universe is now housed in the Montgomery Street Antique Mall at Hwy. 30 and Montgomery St. The Photo Archive of the Universe is a various and sundry collection of Photos depicting a way of life long past. Each Photo will tell a tale, bring to life, unfold a memory, and make one see, reminisce, romanticize, recapitulate and relive the past. These Photos are here to remind us of what we forgot and of course, they are for sale. So, come on out to the Mall and check it out. You will be amazed. Our booth is located on the West side of the Mall on the Montgomery Street side. You can ask anyone behind the counters and they will tell you where we are located.
Thank You, Les Crocker- Archivist.
Researching the Past, one Photo at a time. Sorry, The Photo Archive of the Universe has been closed down. We are no longer at the Mall. Les
“The Lake Worth Monster of Greer Island Fort Worth, Texas”
By Sallie Ann Clarke, 119 pgs., 5×8 book. 20 photographs. From p.27, “It all began Thursday, July 10, 1969. As a resident of Ft. Worth, Texas, I have read the Fort Worth Star Tele-gram daily for the past ten years. I have never seen anything like I read in the Thursday morning issue. It said residents and tourists were frightened by a large white goat-like man, that jumped from trees onto tops of cars and grabbed for the people inside. The Friday evening Star Telegram told of the monster grabbing a tire still on the wheel, and after running up the side of a hill, hurling the tire about five-hundred feet through the air, toward a crowd of thirty or forty people: then running out of sight into the underbrush and bushes.” Several accounts of eye witnesses who say they saw the monster. There is a picture of a tire that is said to have been thrown 500 feet. This is a very interesting little book. Book is in excelent new condition, out of print and rare.
As Sallie said, “The legend never seems to die.”
“SPECIAL” Included with this offer is a small wallet size photo of the “Monster”. This photo was taken by Allen Plaster on Oct. 19 at 1:15 am. Probably around 1969 or so as the “Monster” was making his rounds of Greer Island.The photo appears to be the “Monster” as he was walking away.